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Welcome. And thanks for your interest in this competition. In this first edition of our competition, we were thrilled to have received a good number of beautiful entries on the theme: “Legal Implication of the Covid 19 Vaccine – A breach of human rights?”

Here are the top 3 entries for the month of August. Take a look.

Winning Entries

First Place – Ozioma Anyanwu

Legal Implication of the Covid 19 Vaccine – A breach of human rights?

The Corona virus disease was first discovered in Wuhan, China and spread to other parts of the world such as United Kingdom, Nigeria amongst others, thereby resulting in a global pandemic. This led to the total lockdown of schools, hospitality centers, recreation centers as well as restriction of travel both local and international. This had a ripple effect on the social, economic sectors of countries all over the world. However, a glimmer of hope shone on the 31st December, 2020 when World Health Organisation for the first time validated a Covid -19 vaccine – the Comirnaty COVID-19 mRNA vaccine for emergency use. Since then, several countries, in order to effectively combat the virus have readily provided Covid 19 vaccines to its citizens. This essay therefore seeks to highlight the legal implications of the Covid-19 vaccine and examine whether the human rights of citizens has in any way been infringed upon.

Second Place – Overcomer Ibiteye

Legal Implication of the Covid 19 Vaccine – A breach of human rights?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) ratified in 1948 after World War II, laid the foundation of international human rights law. It was the first universal statement on the basic principles of inalienable human rights which created a common standard of achievement for all people and all nations. These principles are echoed in the laws of more than ninety countries around the world. The sad reality is that no historical period than this has witnessed a greater violation of these rights.

Second Place – Grace Bamigboje

Legal Implication of the Covid 19 Vaccine – A breach of human rights?

A human being is birthed with inherent rights that cannot be alienated from him. These rights are enshrined in virtually every nation’s constitution and international human rights treaty in existence. They include the right to life, the right to freedom of movement, right to personal liberty among others. A vaccine is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as a preparation that is administered to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease: such as the preparation of genetic material that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance.